Quarantine Cup Challenge #2
Very Serious Quiz Results
The color of the comment indicates the team. Points were awarded to each of these responses based on creativity and entertainment value.
QUESTION 1: DL stands for Distance Learning. In the context of cyber school, what else could DL stand for?
Dogs Learning
Daily Lunch (I eat lunch every day)
Dysfunctional Lackadaisical
Data Lost
QUESTION 2: Comments/Suggestions/Things you need help with for Distance Learning:
My very serious problem with not taking very serious serious quizzes not very seriously. Serious.
Create an assignment where we all send each other chocolate chip cookies.
QUESTION 3: Ideas for staying connected during Distance Learning:
Google Hangouts, Zoom, other virtual hangouts, email, un-virtual hangouts, regular hanging out (six feet apart of course), videogames, and seriously very serious methods
We could all download a game and play it together
Here's what I'm thinking. We all sneak out of quarantine--emphasis on sneak. Then we go to an open field. Someone has to bring wood and nails (I don't know who yet). And someone has to bring the melons. The rest we will figure out when we get there.
We are all sent on a scavenger hunt to find a treasure. As individuals, we struggle for days to find the treasure. Once we reach it, we learn that it is infected. We are forced to spend our days together in a quarantine tent in the park.
We could all just go to school in full hazmat suits
WE CAN ALL VIDEO OURSELVES DROPPING WATERMELONS OFF OUR HOME ROOF!! (safely of course) Or another idea could be to get an assigned person and mail them letters of encouragement without return addresses and they can guess who it is- Kind of like a quarantine secret santa!
QUESTION 4: Share Something Entertaining:
Something I did over spring break and something you should add to your bucket list: Illegally going onto beaches (because or COVID-19), barefoot (of course) and running away from police who are chasing people off of the beaches in their trucks, while helicopters are circling you from above. What is this? the Hunger Games?
Baloney is just a hot dog pancake.
I did not trip and fall, I attacked the floor and I believe I am wining. I just finally discovered what's wrong with my brain. On the left side there is nothing right and on the right side, there is nothing left.
Well when I was brushing my teeth i started choking on the toothpaste and intead of helping me my mom was laughing and taking a video and sent it to my aunts and uncles
If you need 144 roles of toilet paper for a 14 day quarantine, you probably should have been seeing a doctor wayyyy before COVID-19
Blue Team: 4
Red Team: 6
Green Team: 5
Orange Team: 3 (The melon idea = 2 points 😆)
Blue Team: 9
Red Team: 11
Green Team: 10
Orange Team: 13
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