More Scavenger Hunt Results!

And The Winner Is:

Act of Kindness
Taylor, for "picking up a huge thing of trash and bottles dumped over a fence into the pond area behind my house." 

Something Beautiful
The Orange Team submitted a woodpecker in the backyard, and the Red Team's entry is listed as "Jaaron-me". Valid responses! The winner, however, is Maddie's Moonlight Photo.

Something Showing Spring
Lovely things listed here, including sunshine and warm weather! The winner in this category is Team Blue, with Frisbee Golf.

Not worth points because it wasn't an official category but still entertaining:
Snarky Responses from the Orange Team!
#6. Reading a Good Book. No thanks.   (?! Seriously?!)
#10. Something Encouraging. Not everyone on the planet is going to die from coronavirus.
#11. Going Stir Crazy. Indeed.

Points So Far:

Red: 42
Blue: 21
Green: 38
Orange: 30

Stay tuned tomorrow for the final Scavenger Hunt point totals!


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