GAME ON!!!!!

Even though we are not in the same room, we are still on the same path, and we will continue to seek ways to leave footprints that honor God. Hence, the Quarantine Cup! Yes! An opportunity to have fun together, do a few things that might help others, and perhaps cause a little mayhem, because--well, why not?!

Challenge #1: Finding Your Team

And the winner is:  TEAM ORANGE!

Team emails were sent by 10:50 yesterday morning, and by 11:02, the ORANGE team had their group completed and claimed 5 bonus points for coming in first place. I'm not sure whether I am impressed or frightened!

Teams for this competition are:

RED: Jaaron, Gavin, Taylor, Ava, Yari
BLUE: Sam, Jack, Peter, Clare, Angela
GREEN: Eli, Braden, Juli, Maddie, Hannah
ORANGE: Gerrit, Andrew, Jannes, Jaclyn, Lydia V., Lydia H.

Team Points:


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